Electronic Filing

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EFS New Features Frequently Asked Questions

  1. When should I use an After Cancel Adjustment?
  2. What is the difference between an Endorsement and the After Cancel Adjustment?
  3. Why does the home page display the number of unviewed Statement of Accounts?
  4. When would I select the "Re-submit Current 1609-PR Image File" radio button?

Please email or call Agency Services if your question was not answered.


1. When should I use an After Cancel Adjustment?

  • The After Cancel Adjustment should only be used if a change needs to be made to a cancelled filing.
  • Previously the following three steps were needed to change a cancelled filing.
    • Reinstate the filing
    • Change the filing (using either the Endorsement or Revise Filing functions)
    • Re-cancel the filing
  • The After Cancel Adjustment replaces three steps with a single step.

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2. What is the difference between an Endorsement and the After Cancel Adjustment?

  • An Endorsement should be used if the filing has been submitted and not cancelled.
  • The After Cancel Adjustment can only be used if the filing was cancelled and the filing status remains cancelled after it is used.
  • Other than the above, the After Cancel Adjustment function is similar to the Endorsement.

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3. Why does the home page display the number of unviewed Statement of Accounts?

  • The number of unviewed Statement of Accounts is displayed to remind users that there are one or more Statement of Accounts that need to be reviewed.

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4. When would I select the "Re-submit Current 1609-PR Image File" radio button?

  • If you are revising a returned 1609-SLL/1609-PR filing and the 1609-PR has not changed, selecting the "Re-submit" radio button will automatically upload the most recent version of the 1609-PR image file. This eliminates manually uploading the same file.
  • After you submit the revised filing, PSLA will review the re-submitted 1609-PR image file and compare it against data entered in the revised filing.

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